What we do

Oribus specialises in OT delivery, development & support

  • Real Time SCADA, DMS, EMS, GMS
  • Geospatial
  • Outage Management
  • Asset data lifecycle management
  • Software solutions
  • Data management
  • Process improvement
  • Change Management
  • Application Support

Our Capabilities

Oribus is a team of high quality specialist resources

  • Extensive industry experience
  • Highly respected domain experience
  • Deep electricity network understanding
  • Core process understanding and experience
  • Data management, improvement and governance experience
  • Software solution delivery experience
  • OT Project management, business analysis, change management experience
  • Critical system support experience

Our Promise

Oribus reputation is highly protected

  • Only proven resources put forward for relevant work
  • Quality assurance provided by principal consultants
  • Peer review of all deliverables
  • Deep understanding of client architecture, process and needs
  • Client feedback processes to ensure consistent delivery
  • OT software development methodology to support critical systems